Love learning, love life!
The work of a school governor is varied and interesting. It can be time consuming involving challenge, scrutiny and debate. However it can also be very rewarding, especially in a school like Pownall Green, where governors seek to provide an important, strategic role working with the Headteacher and staff to support and promote the effective leadership and management of the school and to ensure that the school is fully compliant in relation to all national legislation and DfE requirements.
All our governors undertake their roles voluntarily and do not claim any travelling or subsistence allowances for expenses incurred during their attendance at meetings or training courses.
They share and demonstrate an ambitious vision for the school and understand the need to be aware of its strengths and areas for development. These are incorporated into our School Development/Improvement Plan. Our governors have high expectations for every aspect of the school’s work including a fundamental commitment to the health, safety and well being of our school community and the provision of a safe, secure, happy and stimulating learning environment for all our pupils. Equally important is our governors’ commitment to the raising and sustaining of educational standards and the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process throughout the school.
There are currently 12 members on the Pownall Green School Governing Body which comprises 4 elected Parent Governors, 5 co-opted Community Governors, 1 Staff Governor, 1 LA Governor and 1 Headteacher Governor (ex officio). Each member of the Governing Body serves for a four year term of office.
The full Governing Body meets termly to an agreed agenda and adopts the principles of Open Government. These termly meetings are clerked and minuted by a Stockport Council Governor Support Officer. At the Autumn Term full Governing Body meeting, governors elect the Chair and Vice Chair of Governors and the Chairpersons of the Sub Committees for an annual term of office. To facilitate its work the School Governing Body has created separate sub committees which include Teaching and Learning and Resources (Finance, Premises and Staffing) and these meet at regular intervals during the school year. Minutes of all our School Governing Body’s meetings are published and available on request from the School Office for information and reference purposes.
Our School Governing Body works closely with Stockport Council’s School Governance Section and is also affiliated to the National Governors’ Association and the Stockport Governors’ Association (Govas). For more information about the role, responsibilities and work of a School Governor you may wish to refer to the following websites:
Stockport Council’s School Governance Section
The Stockport Governors’ Association
The National Governors’ Association