PG Explorers

We love the Outdoors!

Love learning, love life!

Outdoor Learning creates a positive environment, where all learners can thrive from a hands-on experience.  This outdoor approach to learning is set within our school grounds where children can explore a range of activities to complement the curriculum that we deliver. This could be outside on the playground, school field, using our large covered outdoor classroom, EYFS area or in Pownall Woods. The woodland area is located in the corner of the school field. It is a calm and inspirational area, where children feel relaxed, ready to learn and receptive. The stimulating and informal environment challenges children allowing them to develop new boundaries, take appropriate risks whilst helping them to make connections between themselves and nature.

Children develop and change over time just like the seasons change, grow and flourish. Long-term regular Outdoor Learning experiences enables individual needs to be strengthened emotionally, socially, physically, intellectually, communicatively and spiritually whilst supporting cross curricular outdoor learning opportunities via our integrated approach to teaching the National Curriculum.

Time is given for children to explore their thoughts, use a range of equipment, tools, take the lead and build relationships whilst learning in a multisensory way alongside their peers. This, over time, builds self-esteem enabling our children to face new and changing situations in a positive way. This holistic approach to learning helps learners to become resilient, flexible and assertive and when high levels of wellbeing and involvement take place our children grow in self-esteem and self-confidence. The learning and teaching strategies used at Outdoor Learning are mirrored by all staff whose long-term goal is to equip children for their future. Outdoor Learning opportunities are planned for carefully, to both embed and challenge the children’s learning, by building upon key skills, prior learning experiences, revisiting knowledge through our spiral curriculum and by learning key vocabulary. Children at Pownall Green enjoy active learning, where laughter and fun is paramount as they learn lifelong skills in their journey to become confident and successful individuals whilst learning to review and reflect upon their own practise as part of a continuous cycle