Pownall Green’s Inclusion Coordinator is Ms Nina Nikolaides, who undertakes the role of SENDCo (SEND Coordinator). Ms Nikolaides can be contacted by phone via the school office or by email: inclusion@pownallgreen.co.uk.
Pownall Green Primary School continually seeks to be fully inclusive, striving to enable all pupils to feel confident and to achieve the best they can at school. All pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum appropriate to their needs. Teaching and learning approaches are adapted to the differing needs of pupils within each lesson. Sometimes, some pupils need additional learning support. Sometimes, some pupils need some additional support to develop their social skills or to enhance their emotional wellbeing. Teachers identify concerns through ongoing assessment and observation, and through communication with parents / carers. Many pupils require some extra help at some point in their school life. This is readily provided and a wide range of additional needs can be met through Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
When a pupil needs some further adjustments we may, in consultation with parents / carers, set up an Individual Strategy Plan (ISP) to record the day-to-day strategies which are beneficial for them. This may, for example, be in relation to dyslexic-type difficulties or low-level emotional difficulties, but whatever the need, the ISP will be bespoke to that pupil. If a pupil has a high level of ongoing difficulty despite the additional provision outlined above, they may be considered to have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
To find out more, please follow the link below to our SEND Information Report. This is set out as a series of Frequently Asked Questions and explains how we identify and support pupils with SEND. Our Special Educational Needs Policy can be found on this website under the Policies and Plans tab.
SEND Information Report September 2023
Follow the links below to find out more about provision at Pownall Green.
At Pownall Green, we are committed to working closely in partnership with families. We are proud to have signed up to Stockport’s Co-production Pledge. Find out more about Stockport’s Co-production Charter here: https://www.stockport.gov.uk/co-production
The following links will enable you to find out more about Stockport’s approach to supporting pupils with SEND and their families:
*The Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) is an independent organisation which supports parents / carers of pupils with SEND.
Together Trust Centre, Schools Hill, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 1JE
Tel: 0161 283 4848
Email: enquiries@togethertrust.org.uk
Website: https://www.togethertrust.org.uk/SENDIASS
*Parents and Carers Together Stockport (PACTS) is Stockport’s official local parent carer forum run by parents for families who have a child / young person with SEND.
Tel: 07786 101072
Email: info@pactstockport.co.uk
Website: https://pactstockport.co.uk/
*Information about support and services available from Stockport Local Authority can be found via the Local Offer:
*The following links will enable you to find out more about Stockport’s approach to supporting pupils with SEND and their families:
Entitlement Framework:
Stockport Local Offer:
*You can sign up to receive Stockport’s SEND Newsletter here: