Love learning, love life!
Teachers: Mrs. Seymour Smith, Mr Carroll and Mrs O’Toole.
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Sani, Mrs Jones, Mrs Dickinson, Miss Weir and Mrs Heale
Year 3 Curriculum Booklet
Google Classroom
As a school we have had to consider the best way to communicate home learning in the event of a local lockdown or an isolation period. We have decided that Google classroom is the best option as this will allow us to set work and give feedback. It will have a very similar set out to the Padlet pages.
In light of this, we will be moving the majority of our homework on to this platform in the hope that teachers and parents can become familiar with the format.
Over the next week you will receive an email address and password in your child’s reading book. This will be for your child’s Google classroom login. There will also be a class code that will allow them to join their class.
- Go to
- Enter your child’s email address (This must be done for each individual child)
- Enter password
- Join class
- Enter Class code.