Love learning, love life!
School has considered all the latest advice prior to reopening in September, a summary of this is attached. We are delighted that we are now able to open for all pupils every day. We have had to make some changes and are taking a cautious approach which we intend to keep under regular review.
We hope that activities that cannot currently take place can be reintroduced soon but I’m sure you will understand that the safety of our community and ensuring continuity of education for our children is of utmost importance.
If you have any questions regarding our response please contact us at in the first instance.
Covid 19 Absence Guidance. A quick guide for parents.
Link to the latest government advice relating to Covid 19 for education:
Link to the latest government guidance relating to self-isolation:
If any family in the school community is self-isolating please keep the school informed as soon as possible by phone 0161 439 1105 or email and update us with the result of any tests.
Link to the latest government guidance on quarantining after foreign travel.
If any family in the school community is unable to attend school due to quarantining requirements following travel please inform us by phone 0161 439 1105 or email
Local restrictions update
Stockport is currently not under any local coronavirus restrictions. If you live outside stockport and travel to our school please follow the guidelines for where you live.
Full Risk Assessment